ActionSheetIOS #

Methods #

static showActionSheetWithOptions(options, callback) #

Display an iOS action sheet. The options object must contain one or more of:

  • options (array of strings) - a list of button titles (required)
  • cancelButtonIndex (int) - index of cancel button in options
  • destructiveButtonIndex (int) - index of destructive button in options
  • title (string) - a title to show above the action sheet
  • message (string) - a message to show below the title

static showShareActionSheetWithOptions(options, failureCallback, successCallback) #

Display the iOS share sheet. The options object should contain one or both of message and url and can additionally have a subject or excludedActivityTypes:

  • url (string) - a URL to share
  • message (string) - a message to share
  • subject (string) - a subject for the message
  • excludedActivityTypes (array) - the activities to exclude from the ActionSheet

NOTE: if url points to a local file, or is a base64-encoded uri, the file it points to will be loaded and shared directly. In this way, you can share images, videos, PDF files, etc.

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Examples #

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'use strict'; var React = require('react'); var ReactNative = require('react-native'); var { ActionSheetIOS, StyleSheet, Text, UIManager, View, } = ReactNative; var BUTTONS = [ 'Option 0', 'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Delete', 'Cancel', ]; var DESTRUCTIVE_INDEX = 3; var CANCEL_INDEX = 4; class ActionSheetExample extends React.Component { state = { clicked: 'none', }; render() { return ( <View> <Text onPress={this.showActionSheet} style={style.button}> Click to show the ActionSheet </Text> <Text> Clicked button: {this.state.clicked} </Text> </View> ); } showActionSheet = () => { ActionSheetIOS.showActionSheetWithOptions({ options: BUTTONS, cancelButtonIndex: CANCEL_INDEX, destructiveButtonIndex: DESTRUCTIVE_INDEX, }, (buttonIndex) => { this.setState({ clicked: BUTTONS[buttonIndex] }); }); }; } class ActionSheetTintExample extends React.Component { state = { clicked: 'none', }; render() { return ( <View> <Text onPress={this.showActionSheet} style={style.button}> Click to show the ActionSheet </Text> <Text> Clicked button: {this.state.clicked} </Text> </View> ); } showActionSheet = () => { ActionSheetIOS.showActionSheetWithOptions({ options: BUTTONS, cancelButtonIndex: CANCEL_INDEX, destructiveButtonIndex: DESTRUCTIVE_INDEX, tintColor: 'green', }, (buttonIndex) => { this.setState({ clicked: BUTTONS[buttonIndex] }); }); }; } class ShareActionSheetExample extends React.Component { state = { text: '' }; render() { return ( <View> <Text onPress={this.showShareActionSheet} style={style.button}> Click to show the Share ActionSheet </Text> <Text> {this.state.text} </Text> </View> ); } showShareActionSheet = () => { ActionSheetIOS.showShareActionSheetWithOptions({ url: this.props.url, message: 'message to go with the shared url', subject: 'a subject to go in the email heading', excludedActivityTypes: [ '' ] }, (error) => alert(error), (success, method) => { var text; if (success) { text = `Shared via ${method}`; } else { text = 'You didn\'t share'; } this.setState({text}); }); }; } class ShareScreenshotExample extends React.Component { state = { text: '' }; render() { return ( <View> <Text onPress={this.showShareActionSheet} style={style.button}> Click to show the Share ActionSheet </Text> <Text> {this.state.text} </Text> </View> ); } showShareActionSheet = () => { // Take the snapshot (returns a temp file uri) UIManager.takeSnapshot('window').then((uri) => { // Share image data ActionSheetIOS.showShareActionSheetWithOptions({ url: uri, excludedActivityTypes: [ '' ] }, (error) => alert(error), (success, method) => { var text; if (success) { text = `Shared via ${method}`; } else { text = 'You didn\'t share'; } this.setState({text}); }); }).catch((error) => alert(error)); }; } var style = StyleSheet.create({ button: { marginBottom: 10, fontWeight: '500', } }); exports.title = 'ActionSheetIOS'; exports.description = 'Interface to show iOS\' action sheets'; exports.examples = [ { title: 'Show Action Sheet', render(): React.Element<any> { return <ActionSheetExample />; } }, { title: 'Show Action Sheet with tinted buttons', render(): React.Element<any> { return <ActionSheetTintExample />; } }, { title: 'Show Share Action Sheet', render(): React.Element<any> { return <ShareActionSheetExample url="" />; } }, { title: 'Share Local Image', render(): React.Element<any> { return <ShareActionSheetExample url="bunny.png" />; } }, { title: 'Share Screenshot', render(): React.Element<any> { return <ShareScreenshotExample />; } } ];