Modal #

The Modal component is a simple way to present content above an enclosing view.

Note: If you need more control over how to present modals over the rest of your app, then consider using a top-level Navigator.

import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Modal, Text, TouchableHighlight, View } from 'react-native'; class ModalExample extends Component { state = { modalVisible: false, } setModalVisible(visible) { this.setState({modalVisible: visible}); } render() { return ( <View style={{marginTop: 22}}> <Modal animationType={"slide"} transparent={false} visible={this.state.modalVisible} onRequestClose={() => {alert("Modal has been closed.")}} > <View style={{marginTop: 22}}> <View> <Text>Hello World!</Text> <TouchableHighlight onPress={() => { this.setModalVisible(!this.state.modalVisible) }}> <Text>Hide Modal</Text> </TouchableHighlight> </View> </View> </Modal> <TouchableHighlight onPress={() => { this.setModalVisible(true) }}> <Text>Show Modal</Text> </TouchableHighlight> </View> ); } }

Props #

animated bool #


Use the animationType prop instead.

animationType enum('none', 'slide', 'fade') #

The animationType prop controls how the modal animates.

  • slide slides in from the bottom
  • fade fades into view
  • none appears without an animation

onShow function #

The onShow prop allows passing a function that will be called once the modal has been shown.

transparent bool #

The transparent prop determines whether your modal will fill the entire view. Setting this to true will render the modal over a transparent background.

visible bool #

The visible prop determines whether your modal is visible.

androidhardwareAccelerated bool #

The hardwareAccelerated prop controls whether to force hardware acceleration for the underlying window.

androidonRequestClose Platform.OS === 'android' ? PropTypes.func.isRequired : PropTypes.func #

The onRequestClose callback is called when the user taps the hardware back button.

iosonOrientationChange function #

The onOrientationChange callback is called when the orientation changes while the modal is being displayed. The orientation provided is only 'portrait' or 'landscape'. This callback is also called on initial render, regardless of the current orientation.

iossupportedOrientations [enum('portrait', 'portrait-upside-down', 'landscape', 'landscape-left', 'landscape-right')] #

The supportedOrientations prop allows the modal to be rotated to any of the specified orientations. On iOS, the modal is still restricted by what's specified in your app's Info.plist's UISupportedInterfaceOrientations field.

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Examples #

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'use strict'; var React = require('react'); var ReactNative = require('react-native'); var { Modal, Picker, StyleSheet, Switch, Text, TouchableHighlight, View, } = ReactNative; const Item = Picker.Item; exports.displayName = (undefined: ?string); exports.framework = 'React'; exports.title = '<Modal>'; exports.description = 'Component for presenting modal views.'; class Button extends React.Component { state = { active: false, }; _onHighlight = () => { this.setState({active: true}); }; _onUnhighlight = () => { this.setState({active: false}); }; render() { var colorStyle = { color: ? '#fff' : '#000', }; return ( <TouchableHighlight onHideUnderlay={this._onUnhighlight} onPress={this.props.onPress} onShowUnderlay={this._onHighlight} style={[styles.button,]} underlayColor="#a9d9d4"> <Text style={[styles.buttonText, colorStyle]}>{this.props.children}</Text> </TouchableHighlight> ); } } const supportedOrientationsPickerValues = [ ['portrait'], ['landscape'], ['landscape-left'], ['portrait', 'landscape-right'], ['portrait', 'landscape'], [], ]; class ModalExample extends React.Component { state = { animationType: 'none', modalVisible: false, transparent: false, selectedSupportedOrientation: 0, currentOrientation: 'unknown', }; _setModalVisible = (visible) => { this.setState({modalVisible: visible}); }; _setAnimationType = (type) => { this.setState({animationType: type}); }; _toggleTransparent = () => { this.setState({transparent: !this.state.transparent}); }; render() { var modalBackgroundStyle = { backgroundColor: this.state.transparent ? 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' : '#f5fcff', }; var innerContainerTransparentStyle = this.state.transparent ? {backgroundColor: '#fff', padding: 20} : null; var activeButtonStyle = { backgroundColor: '#ddd' }; return ( <View> <Modal animationType={this.state.animationType} transparent={this.state.transparent} visible={this.state.modalVisible} onRequestClose={() => this._setModalVisible(false)} supportedOrientations={supportedOrientationsPickerValues[this.state.selectedSupportedOrientation]} onOrientationChange={evt => this.setState({currentOrientation: evt.nativeEvent.orientation})} > <View style={[styles.container, modalBackgroundStyle]}> <View style={[styles.innerContainer, innerContainerTransparentStyle]}> <Text>This modal was presented {this.state.animationType === 'none' ? 'without' : 'with'} animation.</Text> <Text>It is currently displayed in {this.state.currentOrientation} mode.</Text> <Button onPress={this._setModalVisible.bind(this, false)} style={styles.modalButton}> Close </Button> </View> </View> </Modal> <View style={styles.row}> <Text style={styles.rowTitle}>Animation Type</Text> <Button onPress={this._setAnimationType.bind(this, 'none')} style={this.state.animationType === 'none' ? activeButtonStyle : {}}> none </Button> <Button onPress={this._setAnimationType.bind(this, 'slide')} style={this.state.animationType === 'slide' ? activeButtonStyle : {}}> slide </Button> <Button onPress={this._setAnimationType.bind(this, 'fade')} style={this.state.animationType === 'fade' ? activeButtonStyle : {}}> fade </Button> </View> <View style={styles.row}> <Text style={styles.rowTitle}>Transparent</Text> <Switch value={this.state.transparent} onValueChange={this._toggleTransparent} /> </View> <View> <Text style={styles.rowTitle}>Supported orientations</Text> <Picker selectedValue={this.state.selectedSupportedOrientation} onValueChange={(_, i) => this.setState({selectedSupportedOrientation: i})} itemStyle={styles.pickerItem} > <Item label="Portrait" value={0} /> <Item label="Landscape" value={1} /> <Item label="Landscape left" value={2} /> <Item label="Portrait and landscape right" value={3} /> <Item label="Portrait and landscape" value={4} /> <Item label="Default supportedOrientations" value={5} /> </Picker> </View> <Button onPress={this._setModalVisible.bind(this, true)}> Present </Button> </View> ); } } exports.examples = [ { title: 'Modal Presentation', description: 'Modals can be presented with or without animation', render: () => <ModalExample />, }, ]; var styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', padding: 20, }, innerContainer: { borderRadius: 10, alignItems: 'center', }, row: { alignItems: 'center', flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row', marginBottom: 20, }, rowTitle: { flex: 1, fontWeight: 'bold', }, button: { borderRadius: 5, flexGrow: 1, height: 44, alignSelf: 'stretch', justifyContent: 'center', overflow: 'hidden', }, buttonText: { fontSize: 18, margin: 5, textAlign: 'center', }, modalButton: { marginTop: 10, }, pickerItem: { fontSize: 16, }, });