NetInfo #

NetInfo exposes info about online/offline status

NetInfo.fetch().done((reach) => { console.log('Initial: ' + reach); }); function handleFirstConnectivityChange(reach) { console.log('First change: ' + reach); NetInfo.removeEventListener( 'change', handleFirstConnectivityChange ); } NetInfo.addEventListener( 'change', handleFirstConnectivityChange );


Asynchronously determine if the device is online and on a cellular network.

  • none - device is offline
  • wifi - device is online and connected via wifi, or is the iOS simulator
  • cell - device is connected via Edge, 3G, WiMax, or LTE
  • unknown - error case and the network status is unknown

Android #

To request network info, you need to add the following line to your app's AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> Asynchronously determine if the device is connected and details about that connection.

Android Connectivity Types.

  • NONE - device is offline
  • BLUETOOTH - The Bluetooth data connection.
  • DUMMY - Dummy data connection.
  • ETHERNET - The Ethernet data connection.
  • MOBILE - The Mobile data connection.
  • MOBILE_DUN - A DUN-specific Mobile data connection.
  • MOBILE_HIPRI - A High Priority Mobile data connection.
  • MOBILE_MMS - An MMS-specific Mobile data connection.
  • MOBILE_SUPL - A SUPL-specific Mobile data connection.
  • VPN - A virtual network using one or more native bearers. Requires API Level 21
  • WIFI - The WIFI data connection.
  • WIMAX - The WiMAX data connection.
  • UNKNOWN - Unknown data connection.

The rest ConnectivityStates are hidden by the Android API, but can be used if necessary.

isConnectionExpensive #

Available on Android. Detect if the current active connection is metered or not. A network is classified as metered when the user is sensitive to heavy data usage on that connection due to monetary costs, data limitations or battery/performance issues.

NetInfo.isConnectionExpensive() .then(isConnectionExpensive => { console.log('Connection is ' + (isConnectionExpensive ? 'Expensive' : 'Not Expensive')); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); });

isConnected #

Available on all platforms. Asynchronously fetch a boolean to determine internet connectivity.

NetInfo.isConnected.fetch().then(isConnected => { console.log('First, is ' + (isConnected ? 'online' : 'offline')); }); function handleFirstConnectivityChange(isConnected) { console.log('Then, is ' + (isConnected ? 'online' : 'offline')); NetInfo.isConnected.removeEventListener( 'change', handleFirstConnectivityChange ); } NetInfo.isConnected.addEventListener( 'change', handleFirstConnectivityChange );

Methods #

static addEventListener(eventName, handler) #

Invokes the listener whenever network status changes. The listener receives one of the connectivity types listed above.

static removeEventListener(eventName, handler) #

Removes the listener for network status changes.

static fetch(0) #

Returns a promise that resolves with one of the connectivity types listed above.

static isConnectionExpensive(0) #

Properties #

isConnected: ObjectExpression #

An object with the same methods as above but the listener receives a boolean which represents the internet connectivity. Use this if you are only interested with whether the device has internet connectivity.

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Examples #

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'use strict'; const React = require('react'); const ReactNative = require('react-native'); const { NetInfo, Text, View, TouchableWithoutFeedback, } = ReactNative; class ConnectionInfoSubscription extends React.Component { state = { connectionInfoHistory: [], }; componentDidMount() { NetInfo.addEventListener( 'change', this._handleConnectionInfoChange ); } componentWillUnmount() { NetInfo.removeEventListener( 'change', this._handleConnectionInfoChange ); } _handleConnectionInfoChange = (connectionInfo) => { const connectionInfoHistory = this.state.connectionInfoHistory.slice(); connectionInfoHistory.push(connectionInfo); this.setState({ connectionInfoHistory, }); }; render() { return ( <View> <Text>{JSON.stringify(this.state.connectionInfoHistory)}</Text> </View> ); } } class ConnectionInfoCurrent extends React.Component { state = { connectionInfo: null, }; componentDidMount() { NetInfo.addEventListener( 'change', this._handleConnectionInfoChange ); NetInfo.fetch().done( (connectionInfo) => { this.setState({connectionInfo}); } ); } componentWillUnmount() { NetInfo.removeEventListener( 'change', this._handleConnectionInfoChange ); } _handleConnectionInfoChange = (connectionInfo) => { this.setState({ connectionInfo, }); }; render() { return ( <View> <Text>{this.state.connectionInfo}</Text> </View> ); } } class IsConnected extends React.Component { state = { isConnected: null, }; componentDidMount() { NetInfo.isConnected.addEventListener( 'change', this._handleConnectivityChange ); NetInfo.isConnected.fetch().done( (isConnected) => { this.setState({isConnected}); } ); } componentWillUnmount() { NetInfo.isConnected.removeEventListener( 'change', this._handleConnectivityChange ); } _handleConnectivityChange = (isConnected) => { this.setState({ isConnected, }); }; render() { return ( <View> <Text>{this.state.isConnected ? 'Online' : 'Offline'}</Text> </View> ); } } class IsConnectionExpensive extends React.Component { state = { isConnectionExpensive: (null : ?boolean), }; _checkIfExpensive = () => { NetInfo.isConnectionExpensive().then( isConnectionExpensive => { this.setState({isConnectionExpensive}); } ); }; render() { return ( <View> <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={this._checkIfExpensive}> <View> <Text>Click to see if connection is expensive: {this.state.isConnectionExpensive === true ? 'Expensive' : this.state.isConnectionExpensive === false ? 'Not expensive' : 'Unknown'} </Text> </View> </TouchableWithoutFeedback> </View> ); } } exports.title = 'NetInfo'; exports.description = 'Monitor network status'; exports.examples = [ { title: 'NetInfo.isConnected', description: 'Asynchronously load and observe connectivity', render(): React.Element<any> { return <IsConnected />; } }, { title: 'NetInfo.update', description: 'Asynchronously load and observe connectionInfo', render(): React.Element<any> { return <ConnectionInfoCurrent />; } }, { title: 'NetInfo.updateHistory', description: 'Observed updates to connectionInfo', render(): React.Element<any> { return <ConnectionInfoSubscription />; } }, { platform: 'android', title: 'NetInfo.isConnectionExpensive (Android)', description: 'Asynchronously check isConnectionExpensive', render(): React.Element<any> { return <IsConnectionExpensive />; } }, ];