ProgressBarAndroid #

React component that wraps the Android-only ProgressBar. This component is used to indicate that the app is loading or there is some activity in the app.


render: function() { var progressBar = <View style={styles.container}> <ProgressBar styleAttr="Inverse" /> </View>; return ( <MyLoadingComponent componentView={componentView} loadingView={progressBar} style={styles.loadingComponent} /> ); },

Props #

color color #

Color of the progress bar.

indeterminate indeterminateType #

If the progress bar will show indeterminate progress. Note that this can only be false if styleAttr is Horizontal.

progress number #

The progress value (between 0 and 1).

styleAttr enum('Horizontal', 'Normal', 'Small', 'Large', 'Inverse', 'SmallInverse', 'LargeInverse') #

Style of the ProgressBar. One of:

  • Horizontal
  • Normal (default)
  • Small
  • Large
  • Inverse
  • SmallInverse
  • LargeInverse

testID string #

Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests.

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Examples #

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'use strict'; var ProgressBar = require('ProgressBarAndroid'); var React = require('React'); var UIExplorerBlock = require('UIExplorerBlock'); var UIExplorerPage = require('UIExplorerPage'); var TimerMixin = require('react-timer-mixin'); var MovingBar = React.createClass({ mixins: [TimerMixin], getInitialState: function() { return { progress: 0 }; }, componentDidMount: function() { this.setInterval( () => { var progress = (this.state.progress + 0.02) % 1; this.setState({progress: progress}); }, 50 ); }, render: function() { return <ProgressBar progress={this.state.progress} {...this.props} />; }, }); class ProgressBarAndroidExample extends React.Component { static title = '<ProgressBarAndroid>'; static description = 'Horizontal bar to show the progress of some operation.'; render() { return ( <UIExplorerPage title="ProgressBar Examples"> <UIExplorerBlock title="Horizontal Indeterminate ProgressBar"> <ProgressBar styleAttr="Horizontal" /> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Horizontal ProgressBar"> <MovingBar styleAttr="Horizontal" indeterminate={false} /> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Horizontal Black Indeterminate ProgressBar"> <ProgressBar styleAttr="Horizontal" color="black" /> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Horizontal Blue ProgressBar"> <MovingBar styleAttr="Horizontal" indeterminate={false} color="blue" /> </UIExplorerBlock> </UIExplorerPage> ); } } module.exports = ProgressBarAndroidExample;