DatePickerAndroid #

Opens the standard Android date picker dialog.

Example #

try { const {action, year, month, day} = await{ // Use `new Date()` for current date. // May 25 2020. Month 0 is January. date: new Date(2020, 4, 25) }); if (action !== DatePickerAndroid.dismissedAction) { // Selected year, month (0-11), day } } catch ({code, message}) { console.warn('Cannot open date picker', message); }

Methods #

static open(options) #

Opens the standard Android date picker dialog.

The available keys for the options object are:

  • date (Date object or timestamp in milliseconds) - date to show by default
  • minDate (Date or timestamp in milliseconds) - minimum date that can be selected
  • maxDate (Date object or timestamp in milliseconds) - minimum date that can be selected
  • mode (enum('calendar', 'spinner', 'default')) - To set the date-picker mode to calendar/spinner/default
    • 'calendar': Show a date picker in calendar mode.
    • 'spinner': Show a date picker in spinner mode.
    • 'default': Show a default native date picker(spinner/calendar) based on android versions.

Returns a Promise which will be invoked an object containing action, year, month (0-11), day if the user picked a date. If the user dismissed the dialog, the Promise will still be resolved with action being DatePickerAndroid.dismissedAction and all the other keys being undefined. Always check whether the action before reading the values.

Note the native date picker dialog has some UI glitches on Android 4 and lower when using the minDate and maxDate options.

static dateSetAction(0) #

A date has been selected.

static dismissedAction(0) #

The dialog has been dismissed.

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Examples #

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'use strict'; var React = require('react'); var ReactNative = require('react-native'); var { DatePickerAndroid, StyleSheet, Text, TouchableWithoutFeedback, } = ReactNative; var UIExplorerBlock = require('./UIExplorerBlock'); var UIExplorerPage = require('./UIExplorerPage'); class DatePickerAndroidExample extends React.Component { static title = 'DatePickerAndroid'; static description = 'Standard Android date picker dialog'; state = { presetDate: new Date(2020, 4, 5), simpleDate: new Date(2020, 4, 5), spinnerDate: new Date(2020, 4, 5), calendarDate: new Date(2020, 4, 5), defaultDate: new Date(2020, 4, 5), allDate: new Date(2020, 4, 5), simpleText: 'pick a date', spinnerText: 'pick a date', calendarText: 'pick a date', defaultText: 'pick a date', minText: 'pick a date, no earlier than today', maxText: 'pick a date, no later than today', presetText: 'pick a date, preset to 2020/5/5', allText: 'pick a date between 2020/5/1 and 2020/5/10', }; showPicker = async (stateKey, options) => { try { var newState = {}; const {action, year, month, day} = await; if (action === DatePickerAndroid.dismissedAction) { newState[stateKey + 'Text'] = 'dismissed'; } else { var date = new Date(year, month, day); newState[stateKey + 'Text'] = date.toLocaleDateString(); newState[stateKey + 'Date'] = date; } this.setState(newState); } catch ({code, message}) { console.warn(`Error in example '${stateKey}': `, message); } }; render() { return ( <UIExplorerPage title="DatePickerAndroid"> <UIExplorerBlock title="Simple date picker"> <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={this.showPicker.bind(this, 'simple', {date: this.state.simpleDate})}> <Text style={styles.text}>{this.state.simpleText}</Text> </TouchableWithoutFeedback> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Simple spinner date picker"> <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={this.showPicker.bind(this, 'spinner', {date: this.state.spinnerDate, mode: 'spinner'})}> <Text style={styles.text}>{this.state.spinnerText}</Text> </TouchableWithoutFeedback> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Simple calendar date picker"> <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={this.showPicker.bind(this, 'calendar', {date: this.state.calendarDate, mode: 'calendar'})}> <Text style={styles.text}>{this.state.calendarText}</Text> </TouchableWithoutFeedback> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Simple default date picker"> <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={this.showPicker.bind(this, 'default', {date: this.state.defaultDate, mode: 'default'})}> <Text style={styles.text}>{this.state.defaultText}</Text> </TouchableWithoutFeedback> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Date picker with pre-set date"> <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={this.showPicker.bind(this, 'preset', {date: this.state.presetDate})}> <Text style={styles.text}>{this.state.presetText}</Text> </TouchableWithoutFeedback> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Date picker with minDate"> <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={this.showPicker.bind(this, 'min', { date: this.state.minDate, minDate: new Date(), })}> <Text style={styles.text}>{this.state.minText}</Text> </TouchableWithoutFeedback> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Date picker with maxDate"> <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={this.showPicker.bind(this, 'max', { date: this.state.maxDate, maxDate: new Date(), })}> <Text style={styles.text}>{this.state.maxText}</Text> </TouchableWithoutFeedback> </UIExplorerBlock> <UIExplorerBlock title="Date picker with all options"> <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={this.showPicker.bind(this, 'all', { date: this.state.allDate, minDate: new Date(2020, 4, 1), maxDate: new Date(2020, 4, 10), })}> <Text style={styles.text}>{this.state.allText}</Text> </TouchableWithoutFeedback> </UIExplorerBlock> </UIExplorerPage> ); } } var styles = StyleSheet.create({ text: { color: 'black', }, }); module.exports = DatePickerAndroidExample;